557678 - My Level - Shine Man Remake - Created by Dock176
Recorded times for : 557678 - My Level - Shine Man Remake
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Dock176
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
573534 | 7 5 |
23 | Normal42% | Very Long73 |
573110 | 1 1 |
21 | Removed | Very Long73 |
558980 | 5 4 |
16 | Very Easy7% | Classic28 |
558587 | 1m 37s084 | 5 3 |
17 | Very Easy4% | Short14 |
557678 | 0 7 |
20 | Very Hard90% | Classic25 |
557064 | 12s447 | 6 5 |
19 | Easy16% | Classic38 |
551586 | 7 0 |
24 | Very Easy5% | Classic37 |
550495 | 6 1 |
20 | Very Easy9% | Classic30 |
545802 | 48s464 | 9 4 |
34 | Very Easy0% | Very Short9 |
545341 | 4 2 |
22 | Easy21% | Classic24 |