573488 - Two Screen Rumble V2 - Created by Moomooinc
Recorded times for : 573488 - Two Screen Rumble V2
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
andrezucko | 58s265 | 58s265 | 0 | 0 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Moomooinc
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
573933 | 20s450 | 2 4 |
25 | Easy29% | Classic33 |
573930 | 4 2 |
14 | Normal43% | Long50 |
573926 | 0 2 |
4 | Easy18% | Very Short5 |
573924 | 3m 39s114 | 1 4 |
7 | Easy33% | Long56 |
573923 | 1 2 |
6 | Easy21% | Short14 |
573798 | 3 3 |
21 | Easy12% | Classic23 |
573796 | 3 6 |
20 | Very Easy4% | Classic29 |
573792 | 8 6 |
22 | Very Easy1% | Classic33 |
573790 | 6 7 |
27 | Easy28% | Classic22 |
573777 | 0 2 |
7 | Normal49% | Classic40 |