520810 - CBT - Can Beat This - Created by Nathnolt-meme
Recorded times for : 520810 - CBT - Can Beat This
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
gigar | 11s261 | 11s261 | 0 | 0 | |
mega marino | 12s641 | 12s641 | 0 | 0 | |
nathnolt2 | 24h 4m 4s084 | 24h 4m 4s084 | 0 | 0 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Nathnolt-meme
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
552065 | 11s639 | 14 1 |
45 | Removed | Very Short2 |
551298 | 3m 23s108 | 6 9 |
28 | Very Easy9% | Long50 |
540095 | 6m 53s276 | 1 1 |
25 | Hard73% | Very Short1 |
539625 | 34s033 | 10 0 |
29 | Very Easy0% | Short16 |
539086 | 12m 5s645 | 18 13 |
76 | Hard72% | Classic23 |
534966 | 56s483 | 7 7 |
42 | Hard61% | Very Short1 |
534092 | 44s937 | 7 6 |
36 | Very Easy1% | Very Short1 |
529018 | 36s758 | 26 8 |
88 | Hard80% | Very Short9 |
520810 | 11s261 | 4 4 |
18 | Removed | Very Short3 |
518782 | 0 0 |
6 | Removed | Very Short1 |